Clever and spunky, Iris – like a rainbow – brings joy to our community. Four years old as of the most recent update of this post (Summer 2023), Iris isn’t afraid to strike out on her own – she’s independent and curious enough to explore parts of the neighborhood outside her core territory on her own, especially if she knows she’ll find a Clifton Deer bait station stocked with tasty corn there! When Iris isn’t exploring the neighborhood, she lives in Mt. Storm Park and the yards of Lafayette Avenue with her mother, Doe #74. She has seemed to grow closer to her mother since the loss of one of her best friends, Becky (Doe #76) in 2022.
Adopted and Named by: Mary Ann Baron, a founding member of Philadelphia Advocates for the Deer (PAD). Mary Ann has dedicated decades to the defense, conservation, and respect of the natural world. Mary Ann reserves a special place in her heart for all of the deer around the world, wherever they may be.
Sponsored by: Lynn Ralph, who says: “I am sponsoring Iris in memory of my grandmother and her magnificent iris garden. Like Iris, my Gram was clever, spunky and loved to travel.”