If you are lucky enough to glimpse Ellen slipping quietly through the trees of Mt. Storm Park, you’ll be treated to a vision of grace and beauty. But Ellen is far more than a pretty face. Like her namesake, Ellen is a loyal and loving friend to Peggy (Doe #51). Though their personalities are different – Ellen is quiet and watchful while Peggy is assertive and gregarious- the two friends have a years’ long bond and are rarely seen apart. The two best friends have lived together in the woods between Scarlet Oaks and Mt. Storm since 2017. At the time of the most recent update of this post (Summer 2023), Ellen is ~9 years old.
Adopted and Named by: Maggie Schneider
Named in honor of: Ellen is named in honor of Maggie’s honorary Great Aunt Ellen, who was best friends with her Grandmother, Peggy. Ellen and Peggy met in their 20’s and remained friends through their 80’s. Ellen was a lover of wildlife, kind and loving, and a great friend.
Ellen the deer also has a bestie in Peggy (Doe #51).
Interested in sponsoring Ellen? Please let us know.